Hi all,
I have taken the tutorial at https://docs.appery.io/docs/ionic-4-todo-list-tutorial and have gotten it to work with the Appery.io database; but longer term I want to write an app that can CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) entries with my existing database.
I was able to expose my database (MySQL running on AWS) via the API Express and I then modified the above tutorial to use this datasource for my app. I am able to view a list of items in my own database and I can add new items. However, I cannot delete or update items in my database.
When I try to delete an item nothing happens, but if I view my console in Chrome I see an error of "Can't perform 'delete' on todoDB_task_, object ID is empty". I suspect that the ID of the task is not being passed to the code to delete it. When I look at the related code I do see this error of "Cannot Find Name 'taskId'".
Any ideas? I also cannot edit entries, but it seems to me that create and list don't need to taskId passed, but Update and Delete do???
Help! Thanks in advance