Mike Maughan
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Joined: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:55 pm

MongDB to MySQL Data Streaming

I'm wanting to use this service (link below) to data stream the Appery database with a mysql database on another server. What should I put as the "host" and "port" values under the configurations example? https://github.com/doubaokun/MongoDB-... Thanks! (I'm not much of a programmer so any contextual info would be greatly appreciated!)

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Joined: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:17 am

MongDB to MySQL Data Streaming


Unfortunately it is not possible to connect directly to MongoDB. You can use REST api. You need to write import from Appery.io to other DB by yourself or find a ready-made solutions.
Please also take a look here: http://devcenter.appery.io/documentat...

Mike Maughan
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Joined: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:55 pm

MongDB to MySQL Data Streaming

Thank you for your response. I've created a rest service for the database. As I'm new at this, would you mind showing an example of connecting to a collection from a third party website? I have searched and only see examples connecting third party api's but not the other way around. Thank you in advance.

Maryna Brodina
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MongDB to MySQL Data Streaming


There is no way to connect to Appery.io DB other than via REST API http://devcenter.appery.io/documentat...

Mike Maughan
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Joined: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:55 pm

MongDB to MySQL Data Streaming

Yes, sorry I wasn't clear in my latest response. I've created the REST API service, but with limited experience I don't know how to connect to it from a third party website. The documentation only shows how to connect to third party api's and how to connect to files in the appery database through rest api service, but there are no clear examples of connecting to a collection through the appery rest api service. I'm new at all this so thank you for your help.

Yurii Orishchuk
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:20 am

MongDB to MySQL Data Streaming

Hi Mike,

Please take a look at this documentation:


Here you can find many "curl" examples.

So this information could help you to understand how invoke Appery.io rest api from external servers/apps.


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