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Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:38 pm
by Alena Prykhodko

Hello Sebastian,

We are working on it, but this will take some time.

Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:39 pm
by Yurii Orishchuk

Hi Sebastian,

Please show us screen shots with UI that's you want to implement. And describe what is wrong.


Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:54 pm
by Blair Cox

Any idea as to why my code can show the infowindow on load, but if I create a click event, I get an error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'business_name' of undefined". Is it because coordsArray contents are not saved to memory and available during the session? How can I fix this and still call the data back?

var list_location = localStorage.getItem('County_Biz_List_Storage');
var obj = JSON.parse(list_location);
var coordsArray = obj;
var marker;
//var image = 'files/views/assets/image/Map-Marker-Bubble-Azure-icon.png';
var image = '';
var map = Appery("Gmap").options.mapElement.gmap('get', 'map');
for (var i = 0, j = coordsArray.length; i < j; i++) {

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(, coordsArray.lng ),
map: map,
title: coordsArray.business_name,

var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: ('' + coordsArray.business_name + '
' + coordsArray.hours_season + '
' + coordsArray.combinedAddress ),
position: new google.maps.LatLng(, coordsArray.lng ),
open: (map, marker),
//map: map,
maxWidth: 200

//Add event handler and open infoWindow
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
//Set content for infowindow.
infowindow.setContent('' + coordsArray.business_name + '
' + coordsArray.hours_season + '
' + coordsArray[i].combinedAddress );
//Open infowindow., marker);

Code: Select all



Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:00 am
by Yurii Orishchuk

Hi Blair,

You access "coordsArray" inside event handler. In this event handler "i" does not stores correct value.


You need to wrap event handler with some function and pass there needed index or "i".

Example of code:


var list_location = localStorage&#46;getItem('County_Biz_List_Storage');
var obj = JSON&#46;parse(list_location);
var coordsArray = obj;
var marker;
&#47;&#47;var image = 'files/views/assets/image/Map-Marker-Bubble-Azure-icon&#46;png';
var image = 'http:&#47;&#47;chart&#46;apis&#46;google&#46;com/chart?ch&#46;&#46;&#46;';
var map = Appery("Gmap")&#46;options&#46;mapElement&#46;gmap('get', 'map');
for (var i = 0, j = coordsArray&#46;length; i < j; i++) {

Code: Select all

 var marker = new google&#46;maps&#46;Marker({ 
     position: new google&#46;maps&#46;LatLng(coordsArray[i]&#46;lat, coordsArray[i]&#46;lng), 
     map: map, 
     title: coordsArray[i]&#46;business_name, 

 var infowindow = new google&#46;maps&#46;InfoWindow({ 
     content: ('' + coordsArray[i]&#46;business_name + ' 
               ' + coordsArray[i]&#46;hours_season + ' 
               ' + coordsArray[i]&#46;combinedAddress), 
               position: new google&#46;maps&#46;LatLng(coordsArray[i]&#46;lat, coordsArray[i]&#46;lng), 
     open: (map, marker), 
     &#47;&#47;map: map,  
     maxWidth: 200 

 &#47;&#47;Add event handler and open infoWindow  

 var AddClickEventHandler = function(index, coordsArray, map, marker){ 

     google&#46;maps&#46;event&#46;addListener(marker, 'click', function() { 
         &#47;&#47;Set content for infowindow&#46;  
         infowindow&#46;setContent('' + coordsArray[index]&#46;business_name + ' 
                               ' + coordsArray[index]&#46;hours_season + ' 
                               ' + coordsArray[index]&#46;combinedAddress); 
                               &#47;&#47;Open infowindow&#46;  
                               infowindow&#46;open(map, marker); 



 AddClickEventHandler(i, coordsArray, map, marker); 




Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:28 pm
by Blair Cox

Hi Yurii!

Thanks for the code snippet...but mine works better, lol. Yours has an error regarding the infowindow.

Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

It also does exactly what mine does - it just adds more markers. It does not remove the old ones on an update of the array.

Your code also had several syntax errors I had to fix before I could even get the project to load. Why the differences here? What version of Javascript should my project be using? I'm using the most current libraries.

[Update: I can see from the added Alert that on each call of the service, the objects in the array change. It did that before as well, the change visible in the list output below my map. But the markers, they persist?]



Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:59 pm
by Blair Cox

Sorry Yurii,

Realized how old my post was. Here is my current code which works - all except removing markers.

Blair Cox 20 hours ago
I am calling this javascript at the end of the success mapping. Creating the markers works great - after much struggle. Now I cannot clear the markers on each new service call.

I've been trying the suggestions listed here and stackoverflow. All that happens is more markers are added on each subsequent service call. Help?

var list_location = localStorage.getItem('farmProducts_storage');
var obj = JSON.parse(list_location);
var coordsArray;
coordsArray = [];
var coordsArray = obj;
var marker = [];
//var image = 'files/views/assets/image/Map-Marker-Bubble-Azure-icon.png';
var image = '';
var map = Appery("Gmap").options.mapElement.gmap('get', 'map');

var CreateMarker = function(coordsArray, i){

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(, coordsArray.lng ),
title: coordsArray.business_name,
map: Appery("Gmap").gmap,
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: ('' + coordsArray.business_name + '
' + coordsArray.hours_season + '
' + coordsArray.combinedAddress )});
// var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: coordsArray.business_name});
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {"Gmap").gmap,marker);
for (var i = 0, j = coordsArray.length; i < j; i++)
CreateMarker(coordsArray, i);

Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:59 pm
by Yurii Orishchuk

Hi Blair,

Sorry for the huge delay.

So your code works correctly except of deleting of markers?

If so you need to add(Every type you create marker) to the array.

And then you can remove all markers in this array.

Here is your modified code:


if (!self&#46;markers) self&#46;markers = [];

self&#46;clearMarkers = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < self&#46;markers&#46;length; i++)

Code: Select all

 self&#46;markers = []; 


&#47;&#47; Sets the map on all markers in the array&#46;
function setMapOnAll(map) {}

var list_location = localStorage&#46;getItem('farmProducts_storage');
var obj = JSON&#46;parse(list_location);
var coordsArray;
coordsArray = [];
var coordsArray = obj;
var marker = [];
&#47;&#47;var image = 'files/views/assets/image/Map-Marker-Bubble-Azure-icon&#46;png';
var image = 'http:&#47;&#47;chart&#46;apis&#46;google&#46;com/chart?ch&#46;&#46;&#46;';
var map = Appery("Gmap")&#46;options&#46;mapElement&#46;gmap('get', 'map');

var CreateMarker = function(coordsArray, i) {

Code: Select all

 var marker = new google&#46;maps&#46;Marker({ 
     position: new google&#46;maps&#46;LatLng(coordsArray[i]&#46;lat, coordsArray[i]&#46;lng), 
     title: coordsArray[i]&#46;business_name, 
     map: Appery("Gmap")&#46;gmap, 


 var infowindow = new google&#46;maps&#46;InfoWindow({ 
     content: ('' + coordsArray[i]&#46;business_name + '  
               ' + coordsArray[i]&#46;hours_season + '  
               ' + coordsArray[i]&#46;combinedAddress) 
     &#47;&#47; var infowindow = new google&#46;maps&#46;InfoWindow({content: coordsArray[i]&#46;business_name});  
     google&#46;maps&#46;event&#46;addListener(marker, 'click', function() { 
     infowindow&#46;open(Appery("Gmap")&#46;gmap, marker); 

for (var i = 0, j = coordsArray&#46;length; i < j; i++)
CreateMarker(coordsArray, i);


Then when you need to remove all markers - you can use following JS code(for example on button click):





Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:09 pm
by Blair Cox

Hi Yurii,

No worries - perfect timing actually! I had actually figured how to do all this on my own, except both our solutions still have a bug (yours doesn't account for updating the markers on subsequent calls). But for clearing, I want to do it each time a dropbox value changes. Works great, except it does complain about the 'markers' variable not being defined on the first pass. It worked okay despite this BEFORE the update over the weekend. Not it is intermittent and doesn't work at all when you push the app to the APK.

var list_location = localStorage&#46;getItem('HomeProducts_storage');
var obj = JSON&#46;parse(list_location);
var coordsArray = obj;
marker = [];
markers = [];
var image = 'http:&#47;&#47;www&#46;buylocalnb&#46;ca/markers/pinother&#46;png';
map = new Appery("Gmap")&#46;options&#46;mapElement&#46;gmap('get', 'map');

var CreateMarker = function(coordsArray, i){

Code: Select all

 var marker = new google&#46;maps&#46;Marker({  
     position: new google&#46;maps&#46;LatLng( coordsArray[i]&#46;lat, coordsArray[i]&#46;lng ),  
     title: coordsArray[i]&#46;business_name,  
     map: Appery("Gmap")&#46;gmap, 
     icon: image, 


&#47;&#47; Adds a marker to the map and push to the array&#46;

Code: Select all

 var infowindow = new google&#46;maps&#46;InfoWindow({content: ('<div><strong>' + coordsArray[i]&#46;business_name + '</strong><br>' + coordsArray[i]&#46;hours_season + '<br>' + coordsArray[i]&#46;combinedAddress )}); 

 google&#46;maps&#46;event&#46;addListener(marker, 'click', function() {  

for (var i = 0, j = coordsArray&#46;length; i < j; i++)
CreateMarker(coordsArray, i);

google&#46;maps&#46;event&#46;addListener(map, 'bounds_changed', function() {


To remove the markers, I call this bit of javascript. Now the issue starts because this is called each and every time the dropdown changes. On the very first pass, the markers have not been created yet, so the variable doesn't exist and it throws the error/warning. After the Appery update, this appears to be enough to freeze the app, rather than continuing as prior.

for(i=0; i<markers&#46;length; i++){


Both our solutions result in the same when firing on dropdown change, as the markers and variable do not yet exist.

We're just about ready to release the app - If I can fix this new issue.

The error is:

Uncaught TypeError: self.clearMarkers is not a function

How could I fire the clear markers IF the markers variable exists?


Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:11 pm
by Blair Cox

This image goes with my above comment. Note that I added the blue button to test Yurii's code only.


Popup on Google Map icons

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:18 pm
by Blair Cox

Well I figured it out!

if (typeof markers === "undefined") {
// no variable "v" is defined in the current scope
// or some variable v exists and has been assigned the value undefined
} else {
// some variable (global or local) "v" is defined in the current scope
// and it contains a value other than undefined
for(i=0; i<markers.length; i++){
