Aeneas McBurney
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Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:49 am

Getting relative values from Collapsible UI component


I have some collapsible UI components as per the screenshot attached. The id shown relates to the user I want message sent to in each o the collapsible items. When I click send on both collapsible items the id from the label is a concatenation of both id's and not the individual one.

Also when I click on the second one I get the message body from the first so "Test 1" not "Test 2".

Any ideas how to return the respective values?



Yurii Orishchuk
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Getting relative values from Collapsible UI component

Hi Aeneas.

Sorry, but your question is not clear for us.

Please add to your images some detailed descriptions(for example if you click here so text from this label need to be transfered to this label).


Lucas Cranach
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Getting relative values from Collapsible UI component

The collapsible is filled from a database service so has multiple records. The labels have the correct values showing but when I invoke the send message service using the label values the data returned is all of the records and not the specific label value relating to the selected collapsible. I hope this clarifies for u.

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Getting relative values from Collapsible UI component

Hello Lucas!

Could you also provide some images?

Aeneas McBurney
Posts: 0
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:49 am

Getting relative values from Collapsible UI component

Hi Arina, I included a screen shot of the collapsibles in the first message. What other screen shots would you like?


Evgene Karachevtsev
Posts: 12
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Getting relative values from Collapsible UI component

Hello Aeneas,

Please provide us with screenshots of mapping of service that is invoked by clicking on the "Send" button

Aeneas McBurney
Posts: 0
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:49 am

Getting relative values from Collapsible UI component


This may highlight my issue better. When I click on the same button in 2 different collapsibles I'm always getting the values from the first collapsible item. How do I get the respective values from where the button is pushed?


Kateryna Grynko
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Getting relative values from Collapsible UI component

Hi Aeneas,

As you get collapsible blocks on another page as a result of mapping, you can't pass their values to another service via mapping. You would need to use JS to obtain needed values and pass them to service.

For example, on button click save collapsible block component values to localStorage variables, and do mapping from localStorage variables rather than components.

Lucas Cranach
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Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:16 am

Getting relative values from Collapsible UI component

Hi Katya and thanks for response. Do I have a code example of how I can do this? Thanks

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