Howard Chang
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Upcoming New Pricing


Under Account and Billing I noticed Appery is not saving any credit card info.

Can we let user set a default credit card and back up credit card?

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Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:24 pm

Upcoming New Pricing

We don't save your credit card information. Your billing information is securely stored with Today you can have only one credit card. If for some reason a charge fails, you get 3-day grace period to update your billing information.

Duane Roderick
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Upcoming New Pricing

Just curious, what is your offline app? I have a similar app and wondering what to charge monthly?

P.S. - Like all the users out there, I think this is wrong....triple the cost and reduce the calls by 100x ???


Howard Chang
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Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:05 am

Upcoming New Pricing

How do we check push usage data for the grandfather plan?

Just realize I can't check that now while working with push notification feature for my app.

I can see calls to database and total calls now.

Nguyen Long
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Upcoming New Pricing

our team just got charged nearly $2000 for extra API calls. It is ridiculous.

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Upcoming New Pricing

That's what they want... That's why they reduced the API calls to 50k. Way more money in overages than in monthly subscriptions.

It's a mob mentality shake down business now. Too bad. Appery was the best, but not anymore. Let's see who takes on Appery and puts them out of business with better pricing.

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Upcoming New Pricing

The goal is not to charge overages. If your app is making more API calls that available in your plan, you should consider upgrading your plan. If you are on a Team plan already, please contact us and we will work with you on an Enterprise plan with more API calls.

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Upcoming New Pricing

For $90 all you get now is 50k calls... That's hardly enough to test an app, let alone launch it. And if I need more API calls then my choices are either $200 a month for 200k calls or a RIDICULOUS $2,000 a month for 1 million calls...

No one can use your service as a startup anymore. You used to be able to get 250k calls for only $30 a month and 1 million calls for only $45 a month! Now if I want to match the specs of the old basic package I have to spend $200 a month and $100 in overage charges.... And if I want a million calls again, I would need to spend $2,000 a month...

Tell me how the goal is not to make money on forcing people to pay $.002 per call because the plans inherently have so few calls that no one could possibly reasonably use your service anymore without breaking their monthly programming budgets.

Tit for tat, your service increased in cost by 4344.44%! How can you justify that? Did it really get that much better? Looks the same to me, just with a lot less calls and a lot more overhead from overages on API calls.

That's why Nguyen got hit so hard.

You guys have basically taken an amazing piece of software that opened the door for amateur and startup programmers to create valuable and professional looking applications and spread them across all platforms, and reduced it to a service only for professional and established companies (because that's really the only people that can afford your service anymore).

You had something brilliant on your hands and you got greedy. The marketplace will correct this over time.

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Upcoming New Pricing

Aptly said Robert. I totally am scared to look at anything that starts with My 5 "testing devices" could easily reach 2x times of their monthly API limit !

I had every desire to have Appery as the central backend for a lot of my things - but the new pricing changed all that.

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Upcoming New Pricing

FAO Max Katz; Hi, I won't complain again of the new pricing. You made some choices in pricing strategy. you guys must have done your Math.

I m writing regarding the email I received as newsletter. Good, it s mentioning about upgrade activities ...
I discovered in it that serverCode was reworked recently.
No wonder why I have bugs coming up in my serverCode.
I have to repositionned all my functions in order to prevent from not being read when the all script is executed. see screenShot.

I m not complaining but just would like to ask you to inform us (clients) ahead of what will be upgraded and what shall we put our attention on after such upgrade.
it would avoid the clients (I mean my clients) to tell me that the app doesn't work anymore. At least we would anticipate any side effect after upgrades.

that would make Appery's quality of service matching with new pricing strategy :)

thanks in advance,

PS: don't worry I am still very much amazed by how Appery works fine for me. more I dig into it more I find it convenient, in particular for web app. just that you guys could make it more like a team work.


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