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Upgrade to new app builder problems

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:11 pm
by Carlota

Hi team!
I've detected a couple of problems when upgrading the following project to the new builder:
The app opens the Home Screen (called secondScreen) where a mobileitemlist is shown, currently three different items listed. As soon as you click on any of there items, you are redirected to another screen called Calendar; where a mobileitemlist is shown; if you click on any of the items the app will show the details.
I attach the screenshots of the way Calendar screen is displayed in oldbuilder:
1.- The Calendar mobilelistitem itself
2.- The result of clicking on a Calendar listItem in oldbuilder:

I also attach screenshots of the way Calendar screen is displayed in newbuilder:
1.- The Calendar mobilelistitem itself: its look and feel has changed completely
2.-The result of clicking on a Calendar listItem in oldbuilder: details of the item are not shown

When implementing Calendar screen I took advice from several getsatisfaction posts from previous months

Any suggestions are welcome
Thank you in advance!
Carlota F:

Upgrade to new app builder problems

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:26 am
by Carlota

more info, it looks like newbuilder modifies mapping behaviour; here you will see a screenshot from html inspection with oldbuilder, we see that element.append works against a rel="nofollow":

On the following screenshot, taken with new builder, we see that element.append works against


I found a workaround, that is substitute in JS mapping "element.append" by "element.children().append"; however I am not sure if newbuilder behaviour is a bug -so when your development team fixes it I will have to remove the workaround- or newbuilder behaviour is designintent -and the workaround is valid forever-.

Could you please confirm it?
Thank you in advance!
Carlota F: /a

Upgrade to new app builder problems

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:09 am
by Carlota

Just as extra info, I followed the recommendations from to implement the calendar mobileitemlist; so I added JS in mapping to Calendar listItem:


element.append('' + moment(value.Date).format('MMM') + '' + moment(value.Date).format('D') + '' + moment(value.Date).format("dddd") + '');

for (var i = 0; i < value.Menu.length; i++) {
var console_text = "Menú nro " + i +": " + value.Menu;
element.append(' ' + value.Menu + '


element.append('Semana ' + moment(value.Date).format("W") + '');

var currentDate = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD [00:00:00.000]");
var momo;
if(moment(value.Date).isSame(currentDate)) {
momo = "today";
console.log("List Item correspondiente a hoy. Añadiendo Clase CSS y momo");

if(moment(value.Date).isBefore(currentDate)) {
momo = "past";
console.log("List Item pasado. Añadiendo Clase CSS y momo");
if(moment(value.Date).isAfter(currentDate)) {
momo = "future";
console.log("List Item futuro. Añadiendo Clase CSS y momo");
element.append('' + momo + '');

console.log("Date recibida: ",value.Date);
return value;

Upgrade to new app builder problems

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:13 am
by Carlota

Just as extra info, I followed the recommendations from to implement the calendar mobileitemlist; so when implementing the project several weeks ago I added JS in mapping to Calendar listItem:


element.append('' + moment(value.Date).format('MMM') + '' + moment(value.Date).format('D') + '' + moment(value.Date).format("dddd") + '');

for (var i = 0; i < value.Menu.length; i++) {
var console_text = "Menú nro " + i +": " + value.Menu;
element.append(' ' + value.Menu + '


element.append('Semana ' + moment(value.Date).format("W") + '');

var currentDate = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD [00:00:00.000]");
var momo;
if(moment(value.Date).isSame(currentDate)) {
momo = "today";
console.log("List Item correspondiente a hoy. Añadiendo Clase CSS y momo");

if(moment(value.Date).isBefore(currentDate)) {
momo = "past";
console.log("List Item pasado. Añadiendo Clase CSS y momo");
if(moment(value.Date).isAfter(currentDate)) {
momo = "future";
console.log("List Item futuro. Añadiendo Clase CSS y momo");
element.append('' + momo + '');

console.log("Date recibida: ",value.Date);
return value;

Than after upgrade to new builder, I realised the look & feel issue; this morning I found a workaround, that is substitute in JS mapping "element.append" by "element.children().append"; however I am not sure if newbuilder behaviour is a bug -so when your development team fixes it I will have to remove the workaround- or newbuilder behaviour is designintent -and the workaround is valid forever-.

Could you please confirm it?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Carlota F:

Upgrade to new app builder problems

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:45 pm
by Kateryna Grynko

Hi Carlota,

1) As we can see your app now looks the same as in the old builder. Did you fix it?

2) You are right, instead of codeelement/code you should use codeelement&#46;children()&#46;/code, it works since the previous release.

Upgrade to new app builder problems

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:52 pm
by Carlota

1) Yeah, I left the workaround running.
2) element worked fine in oldbuilder, but in newbuilder not. I hope your development team will not change the behaviour again in the future... :D
Thank you for your help!
Carlota F:

Upgrade to new app builder problems

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:04 pm
by Kateryna Grynko


Please let us know if any help is needed.

Upgrade to new app builder problems

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:59 pm
by Carlota

Everything is fine! Thank you for your help!
Carlota F: