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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.

Hi Joe.

Thanks for the details.

So there is a problem with that which image needs to be upload next.

How you trying to upload your images. Can you tell me how you invoke these services?


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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.

Thanks Steve, will try this out.

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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.

Logan, here is the implementation for image 1:

codeuploadBinaryHelper(image01_UploadService, Apperyio.storage.Image1_base64.get()); /code

Image1_base64 here is the LSV, uploadBinaryHelper is the upload API from Appery

Here is sample of how I check if LSV is populated before calling the service, I am only showing 2 services here

if (image1 !== null) {

Code: Select all

         //Call service here 
         uploadBinaryHelper(image01_UploadService, Apperyio.storage.Image1_base64.get()); 

     if (image2 !== null) { 

         //Call service here 
         uploadBinaryHelper(image02_UploadService, Apperyio.storage.Image2_base64.get());/code
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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.

Hi Joe.

Thanks for the details.

First you need to check your LSV has any value or not then.

var picture1 = Apperyio.storage.Image1_base64.get();
var picture2 = Apperyio.storage.Image2_base64.get();

// try nested if statement.

//check the condition

if (picture1 != "") {

Code: Select all

      // use alert for checking LSV value 
      alert("value is : " + picture1); 

      // you can call your service 
      uploadBinaryHelper(image01_UploadService, Apperyio.storage.Image1_base64.get()); 

} else if (picture2 != "") {

Code: Select all

      alert("value is : " + picture2); 

      // you can call your service 
      uploadBinaryHelper(image02_UploadService, Apperyio.storage.Image2_base64.get()); 

} else {

Code: Select all

      alert("value is null"); 


let me know the results.


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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.

Hi Logan,

Thanks for the reply.

I have tried different variations of the if else statement and they don't work. I have no issues uploading images, sequencing is the issue as Steven alluded to, it looks like this is just how those services are executed. I am currently experimenting with $q functions.

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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.

Appery, I can't be the first to encounter this issue. Can someone from your development team pleaseweigh in .

The other option I was thinking was, calling the services manually using JS for Example:

On Service complete
On Service complete
On Service complete
On Service complete

Obviously I would be first check if the LSV has value.Can someone please provide guidance how this can be accomplished.

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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.


That's what the $q achieves but in my opinion much simpler.
At first I struggled to understand it and make it work but now I use it a lot in order to ensure things happen in the sequence I want.

If you get stuck I can post another example?

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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.

I have been poking around with the $q and I have not achieved desired results and I need to use timers as described above. The drawback with this is that image size differs and if I set the time to; for example, 2 seconds, that may not be enough time to load a 4 MB image over 3G network.

I have also read that service.execute doesn't return a promise object. You have to use complete service event to run services one after the other.

Can someone from Appery or the community please clarify how I would use the complete event using JS and not the mapping page.

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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.

Based on the example I gave you with functions func1(), func2(), etc. I would put your service call to uploadImage and uploadRawData inside func1() and func2() [rename as say qUploadImage() and qUploadRaw() and then in those functions you can put the service call and return the promise. Don't use a timeout because that's the same as just calling the upload and it finishes "whenever". You need the promise to make it sequence the way you want.

It'll look like this:
function qUploadImage1()
var $q = Apperyio.get("$q");
var $timeout = Apperyio.get("$timeout");
var deferred = $q.defer();
console.log("uploading image #1");
$timeout(function() {
// call your existing service uploadImage1() here
return deferred.promise;

Do the same for uploadRawData1 and then duplicate that for each service call and then in your main block of code do
var $q = Apperyio.get("$q");
var promises = [];
$q.all(promises).then(function() {
console.log("Image and raw data for image #1 now uploaded");

That should ensure that qUploadRawData1() only gets called after qUploadImage1() completes.

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Appery Platform Bug! When calling services.

Thanks Steve,

Did you ever encounter this error and how did you resolve it? I have tried to debug but haven't gotten it right: Uncaught TypeError: Apperyio.get is not a function
at uploadImage_Data. Note that uploadImage_Data is the main function inside the button Submit (shown below)

On My Submit Button I have

codefunction uploadImage_Data(){
var $q = Apperyio.get("$q");
var promises = [];
$q.all(promises).then(function() {
console.log("All promises done");



For Now I am just testing 2 Function (2 images) exactly similar to this except for the actual service name:

function qUploadImage1(){
var $q = Apperyio.get("$q");
var $timeout = Apperyio.get("$timeout");
var deferred = $q.defer();
console.log("uploading image #1");
$timeout(function() {
// call your existing service uploadImage1() here
uploadBinaryHelper(image01_UploadService, Apperyio.storage.Image1_base64.get());
return deferred.promise;

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