Yurii Orishchuk
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:20 am

Concatenating Database Output into a List Item

Hi Bhupinder,

You can implement two-level lists(collapsible set as first and list as second) but you should have two-level datasource.

So here is solution:

1 Add Collapsible set on the page.

2 Add List component inside collapsible.
Details: http://prntscr.com/4rls8m/direct

3 Open your service datasource mapping.

4 Create following mapping: http://prntscr.com/4rlt1z/direct

After you will get following result: http://prntscr.com/4rltmm/direct

That's all.


Bhupinder Chawla
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:21 am

Concatenating Database Output into a List Item

Hi Yurii,

I have never created a two-level datasource. You mean a collection (or table as we old generation folks call it!) - right?

So can I convert an existing datasource into a two-level one? Let's say I want to have all the employees into the second level who report to manager1 and so on for other managers2, 3, etc. How do I change the structure?

Or do I change it in the service?


Best Regards
Bhupinder Chawla

Yurii Orishchuk
Posts: 0
Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:20 am

Concatenating Database Output into a List Item

Hi Bhupinder,

At first:
1 collection(appery.io) = table(database term)

2 certain service on the page = datasource

Here are two general ways to get multilevel service response:

1 (easy) add to your collection field with type "array". Then service will automatically get multilevel. http://prntscr.com/4rnzgt/direct

2 (hard)
2.1 create it manually with "server code"(recommended)
2.2 "generic service"(not good idea cause of generate a lot of traffic).

Please take a look about these things in our documents:

1 Array field type: http://devcenter.appery.io/documentat...

2 Server code

3 Generic service:


Bhupinder Chawla
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:21 am

Concatenating Database Output into a List Item

Hi Yuri,

I have an urgent request. A list is not showing on iPhone 5 or 5s but shows up on Web Page as well as Nexus 5.

What could be the problem. I have deleted and created a new page.

It is a simply Query.


Best Regards
Bhupinder Chawla

Maryna Brodina
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Concatenating Database Output into a List Item


Could you clarify iOS version?

Bhupinder Chawla
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:21 am

Concatenating Database Output into a List Item

Hi Maryna,

I have tried on iOS 6, 7, and 8.

The only way it works is if I add the footer (of which I have no use and takes away un-necessary space) - I still do not know why - I found it as an answer while searching for this solution: https://getsatisfaction.com/apperyio/...

What property or parameter are you setting with a footer that a list will appear or disappear? I am worried if my app goes live, and it does not work, we can be in a soup.

Best Regards
Bhupinder Chawla

Yurii Orishchuk
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:20 am

Concatenating Database Output into a List Item

Hi Bhupinder,

That's strange problem, don't worry about it.

Please give us your app public link and describe steps how we can reproduce this problem.

We will take a look.


Bhupinder Chawla
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:21 am

Concatenating Database Output into a List Item

Hi Yurii,

Here is the link: http://appery.io/app/mobile-frame?src...

Use a href="mailto:lucky.chawla@gmail.com" rel="nofollow"lucky.chawla@gmail.com/a to login. Touch Golfers and you will note that I have to add the footer to get the list. I have tried creating new page but it only shows the list when the footer is selected for the page.

Also, I have ANOTHER Question:

I need to change the header (and footer - though I am hardly using it) background color to #3A4972 and the button background color to #FC9E49.

I did try the JQuery ThemeRoller and created a theme. Downloaded it, created a theme in Appery, populated with CSS and dowloaded with images. But the color never matched.

Can I do without changing the theme? If yes how? Can you please let me know the steps.


Best Regards
Bhupinder Chawla.

Yurii Orishchuk
Posts: 0
Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:20 am

Concatenating Database Output into a List Item

Hi Bhupinder,

I removed footer from "Golfers page" and see list.

Details: http://prntscr.com/4w83na/direct

To change footer background you can use following solution:

1 Create new CSS asset.

2 Populate it with following code:


background: linear-gradient( #2378F3 /{b-bar-background-start}/, #A26D95 /{b-bar-background-end}/);



Bhupinder Chawla
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:21 am

Concatenating Database Output into a List Item

Hi Yurii,

As I mentioned to you, I do not see the list in the iOS 6, 7, 8 versions until I add a footer. Please see what others had to say too: https://getsatisfaction.com/apperyio/...

2nd Question
The CSS gives the warning:

"Unqualified attribute selectors are known to be slow".

Can you please check?


Best Regards
Bhupinder Chawla

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