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Input Component Help

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:37 pm
by William Chau

I am trying to create a page where the users try and solve problem sums and input the answer in a text box. I have thus, created a button that shows whether the answer is correct or wrong in an input box by using this script when the button is pressed:

var a1 = Apperyio('M1').val();
var test1 = function()
if(a1 === 144)

var getvalue1 = Apperyio('answer1').text;


But this does not work, can someone help me?
[Sorry, I am not very good at coding.]

Input Component Help

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:41 pm
by Kateryna Grynko

Hi William,

a1 stores a string variable so it's better to use code==/code instead of code===/code in your if condition:preif(a1 == 144)/pre

As we can see, you want to use a result of function test1() in some element, to do it use this code:prevar result = test1();
Apperyio('answer1').text( result );/pre

So all your code should be like this:prevar a1 = Apperyio('M1').val();
var test1 = function()
if(a1 == 144)

var result = test1();
Apperyio('answer1').text( result );/pre