Tony Swaby
Posts: 0
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:22 pm

Express API no longer works

I just came back to Appery to complete a job and found that the data that I get from an external MySQL source is no long working. I get this...

"status": 408,
"uri": "",
"response": {
"code": "AE015",
"message": "Execution of the service has exceeded the allowed time and stopped",

Galyna Abramovych
Site Admin
Posts: 84
Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:03 pm

Express API no longer works

Hello Tony,

We need more information about this service and how it runs on your side -- can you provide the network tab details showing your connection responses time?

Tony Swaby
Posts: 0
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:22 pm

Express API no longer works

Sorted thanks. Just had to go through the setup, run the test and insert the url again and it worked.

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