Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:55 pm

CRUD Sample Ionic App with External Google Database and using API express


I am new to building app using Appery Platform. I have seen sample plugin & step-by-step tutorial for JQuery App that uses CRUD to update database within Appery's own Cloud database. However we need to develop an APP using external Google Cloud MySQL Database and perform the CRUD operation on MySQL database tables. So far I could only find one tutorial "" in this regards and this also is just list of data from backend table. Would be obliged if you can guide me and in case you have any step by step guide that would be really beneficial.

Many thanks in advance.

With Kind Regards,

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:55 pm

Re: CRUD Sample Ionic App with External Google Database and using API express

Thanks a lot Galyna for your valuable input.

With Kind Regards,

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