Jack Bua
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Joined: Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:16 pm

Select Menu Default Label

I am wanting to make several select menus, some populated from collections and some hard-coded into the select menu itself. My question is in regards to how I can make the default label something that is not allowed to be chosen from the drop-down list, such as "SELECT YOUR VALUE" or "SELECT...". at this point I cannot even change the value on page load or on success of a service like being described in this post.


The values I want as default values will almost always be static values, but I can also see the need for using LSV values as default values so that would be handy to know as well.

The code I am trying to change the default value to is

var yourSelect = Appery("SELECT MENU NAME");
yourSelect.val("DEFAULT I WANT");
yourSelect.selectmenu('refresh', true);

Since there is a difference between a select menu value and label, is this causing the confusion I am having?

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