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push notification customData for ios


My app name is "Satha" and the Share with support option is on, please help me to let IOS devices parse the push notification JSON correctly. Really I am fed-up with this issue and losing customers having I phone devices.

Illya Stepanov
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Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:48 am

push notification customData for ios

Thanks for sharing the app with us, could you please outline the steps how to reproduce this in your app. You can send them at a href="mailto:support@appery.io" rel="nofollow"support@appery.io/a

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Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:08 pm

push notification customData for ios

Thank you for response,

  1. I have created two accounts in the user collection "demo1" as service provider and "demo2" as service searcher.

  2. run the app and login as service searcher "demo2"

  3. you will be directed to the page "searchForPlace"
    in this page click the collapsible and select the second option thin type in any
    location you wont to go to, you will be directed to page "searchForSatha" in this page the map will appear and the service provider icon will be shown on the map, click on the marker of the map then click send request.

  4. the service provider will receive the push notification and when he open the message a popup alert should appear on the screen and he mush select accept or reject the request.

    In android I can parse the JSON received from the push, but in IOS the service provider can receive the message but can't parse the customData..

    I hope you can read the Arabic textbox and buttons in the App.

    Thank you.

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Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:08 pm

push notification customData for ios

Just additional info :

password for both demo1 and demo2 is = 123456

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Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:08 pm

push notification customData for ios


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