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Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:50 pm
by Evgene Karachevtsev

Hello Jerry,

1) "are there any plans to improve the background geolocation support for Appery" in the geolocation phonegap plugin is used. So as far as I know there are no plans for its modernization.
2) In principle, you shouldn't make nae changes in Eclipse. Everything that can be done in Eclipse you can do in builder.
As for adding plug-in IOS - there are any changes here, only via xCode. You can develop an application, and when the time comes to test on the device - export in xCode and add the plug-in there. Test and after that, continue to develop the application in builder

Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:45 am
by Kevin Preston

Sadly no - after many hours of trying I gave up. Appery support for plugins is not very good. In the end I moved to another development environment and within about an hour had the background geolocation plugin working perfectly. I have now cancelled my Appery subscription.

"2) In principle, you shouldn't make nae changes in Eclipse. Everything that can be done in Eclipse you can do in builder. "
This does not tie in with Evgenes earlier reply to me :-
"unfortunately, it is very hard to build it in (it is possible in principle, but you need to connect several jar files). it is better to export this in Eclipse, and build there."

Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:22 am
by Jerry7185911

Evgene - so I am unclear, will a plugin work with Appery for android, but not for iOS (without xCode), or not for either? I have followed all the steps above for android and am still having problems. How is the plugin to be referenced once it is installed? window.plugins.NameOfPlugin.method()? which source file determines how the plugin is to be referenced? Is there a way to verify that everything is installed correctly?

Kevin - mind sharing what platform you ended up on? I have enjoyed working with Appery so far, but if I can't use 3rd party plugins easily/efficiently, then I may lose any time I've gained. I'm not sure why Appery hasn't made this easier. I can find posts over a year old of people struggling with this.

Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:29 am
by Kevin Preston

I don't mind sharing info about this but it probably isn't fair to Appery to do it here. If you let me have your email address we can discuss privately. I too enjoyed using Appery but made the mistake of developing the rest of my app before trying to use the plugin, I therefore wasted weeks of work when I had to change to another environment. I don't understand either why the use of 'official' plugins should be so hard in Appery when it is so easy elsewhere.

Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:03 pm
by Jerry7185911

Kevin - please email me at jerry at projecttempest dot com. thanks!

Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:15 pm
by Kevin Preston

Email sent


Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:11 pm
by Jerry7185911

Evgene - I haven't given up on you - I'm still hoping to get phonegap plugins working consistently and keep using Appery. I'm currently struggling to determine whether I don't have the plugin installed correctly - or if I am just referencing it incorrectly. I assume how I reference it corresponds directly with one of the values I added to install the plugin.

For example, i added the following to config.xml:
<feature name="LocalNotification" >
<param name="android-package" value="com&#46;phonegap&#46;plugins&#46;LocalNotification" />
And made sure the name corresponds to the name in the .js and .java files - but no luck accessing via window.plugins.LocalNotification.add(...).

I'm hoping I'm missing something small.

Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:16 pm
by Evgene Karachevtsev

Hello Jerry,

We are very sorry for radio silence here. We'll provide you with the step-by-step instruction how to connect this plugin in a few days. Thank you for your patience.

Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:24 am
by Maryna Brodina


1) In App settings-Android binary specify Min. SDK version and Target SDK version 4.1.x

2) In pom.xml change version to

3) In AndroidManifest.xml add
pre<service android:name="com&#46;tenforwardconsulting&#46;cordova&#46;bgloc&#46;LocationUpdateService" android:enabled="true" android:process=":remote" />/preImage
If you haven't changed default permissions, all permissions should be set correctly.

4) In res/drawable add file from src/android/notification.png
5) In res/xml/config.xml add pre<feature name="BackgroundGeoLocation">
<param name="android-package" value="com&#46;tenforwardconsulting&#46;cordova&#46;bgloc&#46;BackgroundGpsPlugin"/>
</feature> /pre
6) In src/com/tenforwardconsulting/cordova/bgloc add file from src/android/

Geolocation plugin problem

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:31 am
by Maryna Brodina

7) In cordova_plugins.js add pre{
"file": "plugins/org&#46;transistorsoft&#46;cordova&#46;background-geolocation/www/BackgroundGeoLocation&#46;js",
"id": "org&#46;transistorsoft&#46;cordova&#46;background-geolocation&#46;BackgroundGeoLocation",
"clobbers": [
} /pre
8) In asset/www/files/resources/lib/plugins/org.transistorsoft.cordova.background-geolocation/www add the file BackgroundGeoLocation.js from www/BackgroundGeoLocation.js. in the beginning of the file add line precordova&#46;define("org&#46;transistorsoft&#46;cordova&#46;background-geolocation&#46;BackgroundGeoLocation", function(require, exports, module) {/preat the end of the file a line pre});/pre