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Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:36 am

Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update

i figured it out and just shared it with you

Alex GG
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Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:11 pm

Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update

Hi Levert!
I have kind the same issues...but I was able to run the app on my iphone, but push notifications doesn ́t arrive because a token error...

Did you configure or did something else in xcode besides what you did with appery?

Im asking you this because i want to make sure i didn ́t miss something while exporting to xcode..


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Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:36 am

Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update

i did not do anything special. I followed the tutorial the exported the file. i was able to run it in the simulator but not on my iphone. I originally had Xcode 5.1 and downgraded it to Version 5.0.1 based on the suggestion above. The downgrade allowed for it to run with the simulator but not on the iphone yet

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Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:36 am

Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update

Hi Alex,

I am very interested in the push notifications. I really wish there were more step by step tutorials on this topic. there are disparate bits and pieces... you have to put them together yourself. i've been playing with it for a day or so and thought that i was almost there when I ran into the latest glitch. I think that I am almost there... at least, i hope that i am. not sure how such an easy concept can be such a pain.. LOL

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Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update

I've exported your project and can build it without error. So, the problem with your xCode configuration. I'm using xCode 5.0.2. Let's try to update your xCode.

Alex GG
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Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:11 pm

Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update

thanks Levert,

Hope you can make it works on your device..

I ́ve managed to make push notifications work both android and iOS, but just reading the QR code. If I export to xcode, notifications don ́t work...

lets se what happen after you upgrade to xCode 5.0.2

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Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:36 am

Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update

Thanks Igor,

I will download xCode 5.0.2 now. Just to be clear, I am able to build to the simulated version, just not able to build to my iPhone. I'll let you know after I download xCode 5.02.

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Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:36 am

Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update


Just finished downloading xCode 5.0.2, as with before, the app built works fine with the IOS simulator; however, when I tried to build the app to my iphone, i made no changes to the configuration file. i still receive the following error message:

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"OBJC_CLASS$CDVInvokedUrlCommand", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in CDVFile.o
"OBJC_METACLASS$CDVViewController", referenced from:
OBJC_METACLASS$MainViewController in MainViewController.o
"CDVPluginHandleOpenURLNotification", referenced from:
-[CDVInAppBrowser openInSystem:] in CDVInAppBrowser.o
-[ApplicationDelegate application:handleOpenURL:] in ApplicationDelegate.o
"OBJC_CLASS$CDVWebViewDelegate", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in CDVInAppBrowser.o
"OBJC_CLASS$CDVPlugin", referenced from:
OBJC_CLASS$_CDVCapture in CDVCapture.o
OBJC_CLASS$_CDVGlobalization in CDVGlobalization.o
OBJC_CLASS$_CDVInAppBrowser in CDVInAppBrowser.o
OBJC_CLASS$_CDVCompass in CDVCompass.o
OBJC_CLASS$_CDVLogger in CDVLogger.o
OBJC_CLASS$_CDVNotification in CDVNotification.o
"OBJC_CLASS$CDVViewController", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in CDVDevice.o
OBJC_CLASS$MainViewController in MainViewController.o
"OBJC_CLASS$CDVUserAgentUtil", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in CDVInAppBrowser.o
"CDVPageDidLoadNotification", referenced from:
-[CDVSplashScreen pluginInitialize] in CDVSplashScreen.o
-[MainViewController webView:didFailLoadWithError:] in MainViewController.o
"OBJC_METACLASS$CDVPlugin", referenced from:
OBJC_METACLASS$_CDVCapture in CDVCapture.o
OBJC_METACLASS$_CDVGlobalization in CDVGlobalization.o
OBJC_METACLASS$_CDVInAppBrowser in CDVInAppBrowser.o
OBJC_METACLASS$_CDVCompass in CDVCompass.o
OBJC_METACLASS$_CDVNotification in CDVNotification.o
"OBJC_CLASS$CDVPluginResult", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in CDVCapture.o
objc-class-ref in CDVGlobalization.o
objc-class-ref in CDVInAppBrowser.o
objc-class-ref in CDVCompass.o
objc-class-ref in CDVNotification.o
objc-class-ref in CDVSound.o
objc-class-ref in CDVAccelerometer.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit cod

Illya Stepanov
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Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:48 am

Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update

Hi Levert - Can you tell us what device model are you using and iOS version? We'll check this on a device.

Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:36 am

Bugs after iOS 7.1/Xcode 5.1 update

I am assuming that you are talking about my IPhone. It is a IPhone 5s...model ME308LL/A IOS 7.1, Just so you are aware, I have used xCode to download apps to this device and they worked fine. Granted they were apps that I developed from scratch in xCode 5.1. This is the first time that I have exported a file from appery.io to my MacBook Pro and used xCode to install. Not sure if that maters.

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