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Test Request not showing data but showing up in Orchestrate DB

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:27 pm
by Kevin Crow

I'm going through the tutorial Here about using orchestrate. Everything seems to be going fine until I get to creating the two Request params key and json.

If I create them, open the test tab and fill in the sample values and click Test, nothing happens other than a quick "testing.." and it goes away. No data is returned. If I go to the orchestrate dashboard, my "order" is there..

I've tried firefox and chrome and neither seems to return the data.. any suggestions? I could always just post the response data from orchestrate but thats kind of defeating the purpose of getting it to work correctly.

Test Request not showing data but showing up in Orchestrate DB

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:50 am
by Maryna Brodina


Testing at the moment...

Test Request not showing data but showing up in Orchestrate DB

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 11:12 am
by Evgene Karachevtsev

Hello Kevin,

This is the correct behavior of the app, nothing should be returned in test in this case.

Test Request not showing data but showing up in Orchestrate DB

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:22 pm
by Kevin Crow

Thanks for the replies. I was expecting a "test successful" as was mentioned in the tutorial so when nothing happened I wasn't for sure if it was me or appery. Thanks for being awesome at getting back with people.