Joe Paisley
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Joined: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:41 pm

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

Hello! I'm an amateur developer using Tiggzi for my first project, and I was hoping for a little insight.

I would love to develop a page in my app that allows app users to suggest musical playlist, essentially making a "collaborative playlist". Also, if possible, I'd like a chat where users can at least type plain text to one another on another page. How might I go about doing these things? Any advice/tutorials/docs/examples out there? Thanks!

Joe Paisley
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:41 pm

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

Also, the chat doesn't necessarily need to be "push enabled," but if it was, that would be nice.

Maryna Brodina
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Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:27 am

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

Hello! Take a look here (see lesson 3).

Joe Paisley
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Joined: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:41 pm

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

Thanks! I'm trying to set it up now. I don't really need a "login" page to enter a username and password, I just want a screen where you can select a username, then enter chat with that username. Can this be done all on one page? Is it easier to spread across two pages? (that may be advantageous if I'm trying to cram the musical stuff in there as well).

Have I mapped the data incorrectly? The project should be shared with the support email.

Thanks for your help!

Maryna Brodina
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Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:27 am

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

I don't really need a "login" page to enter a username and password, I just want a screen where you can select a username, then enter chat with that username. Can this be done all on one page? -- it's a part of your app logic, but you should know that users have to be logged it so you can select any user to chat with. You can delete Login page, but it it would be common chat and you will not be able to select specific user.

Have I mapped the data incorrectly? -- do you have any problem with your app? You can use finished app ZIP.

Joe Paisley
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Joined: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:41 pm

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

Is this correctly mapped for the user to create their own "chat username"? Image

It told me I failed to login. The message text didn't populate in the "label" component after pressing the button either. I appreciate your patience and help.

Joe Paisley
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Joined: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:41 pm

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

I think common chat is what I'm going for in this case. I feel as though users would just use the SMS function of their phone over a "private chat" tool in my app. Besides, I have a private messaging utility available via my mobile website embed html panel on the "website" page.

Maryna Brodina
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Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:27 am

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

Here is the correct mapping for login service:


It's not possible to let not logged users join the with a specific user name. If you delete login page it will be anonymous chat. So there are two ways:

1) delete login page - you'll get anonymous chat without any usernames
2) leave login page - users will be able to join the chat with select username.

Joe Paisley
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:41 pm

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

So if I want anonymous chat, I shouldn't have to map "password" to "text" under "passwordField" because there is no password necessary, right? That's fine with me, but it won't proceed to the next screen successfully for some reason.

Maryna Brodina
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:27 am

Collaborative Music Playlist/Chat

You should go to Project--App Settings--General and change start page from Login to Chat page

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