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Push Notification documentation outdated or confusing

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 10:30 pm
by Devin Normand

It is overwhelming with all of the push notification documentation on Appery, especially with how there are known problems in some of the documentation or confusion with how to do something, or with some documentation which looks out of date.

For example, I have had to look over multiple pieces of documentation to find out how to get the deviceid, but none of it seemed to mention it! So I asked a question and was redirected to a 2+-year-old thread.

This is especially annoying, due to how this problem has been up for 2+ years and has not been added to the documentation. It is confusing me that there is not one tutorial that clearly tackles how to add push notifications to your app, send it from the app, and how to register people.

I found this one:

However, when it goes to sending push from the app, it got very confusing, such as saying we should add a unique deviceID, but does not specify how to get it or whose deviceID we should use, even though it says "deviceID is a unique device identifier." SEVEN times.

It is especially irritating because Appery is chosen because it is supposed to make app building easier, but it is making me go on a wild goose chase.