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Confused about Social Authentication vs old way

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:19 am
by Gino Borland

I followed this example and it works well:

However, when I add it to my existing app via the plugin, I run into trouble. My existing app was based on this tutorial:

This method maps userSessionToken to X-Appery-Session-Token before sending.

In the new method, that seems to have disappeared, or happens magically.
(I also have Server Code that reads the session_token).

So now I'm confused and getting all sorts of "400 Bad Requests".

I'm basically confused about the new social login vs the "old" way. I've searched for articles on this, but no luck yet.

Thanks for any tips, but I assume this is beyond the scope of normal support, since your examples work fine on their own.
