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Process reply to an incoming SMS message

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:18 am
by Mark MB

Here is my scenario. I am using Twillio successfully to send SMS message to my app user. Let's say now I want the user to reply back to the message with a simple "Yes" or "No" and I want to take some action based on Yes or No (i.e. update database), on the appery server side.

I know that Twillio provides the support for processing reply message allowing you to give it your own URL that will be called when the reply is received and then using the replier's tel number (provided as request parameter) to implement some business rule. Please see:

It would be nice if I could give Twillio my appery html URL from my app. Kind of like how Appery interfaces with facebook, we give facebook the facebook_me.html and facebook calls that for us. Like I said, twillio also does that but when I tried it, I get 403 error which kind of make sense as twillio server cannot invoke an html from appery domain without authentication.

Could someone advise how I can accomplish this. Thanks in advance.