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Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:59 am

Quarter million on board...

Quarter million on board and no one has an idea on how to use Google Play Services in Appery io? It's super amusing ".)

I am only getting a little familiar with the workings of Maven and I managed to get android v4 support to work by adding in the jar file and the pom.xml (I just copied the pom.xml from the mvnrepository - I am not sure if any editing should be involved)

If I can build an app in 2 weeks, but I need to spend 2 weeks to learn how to include a service that is as important as google play service - it defeats the whole purpose - will it still be called rapid application development? :-D

Take it easy folks, I am just venting my frustration! I wish I had some exposure to Maven, I would have done some documentation on that - it would help so many people.

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