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clear textinput on screenload

is it possible to run the app as separate pages,
but when you click on to navigate to booking,
the page loads before the app moves to that page, just something I as thinking

Maryna Brodina
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Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:27 am

clear textinput on screenload

Hello! I'll update when have more information.

Kateryna Grynko
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clear textinput on screenload

Sorry, no updates yet. Working on it.

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Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:03 pm

clear textinput on screenload

Hi Marina,
any news

Maryna Brodina
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:27 am

clear textinput on screenload

No, Michael, sorry... Still working on it.

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clear textinput on screenload

I have 2 textinputs "Time and Date"
which are set from mobiscroll on screenload,

this is ok but when user finishes and navigate to another sreen or close the app, the next time they return to the screen the inputs load from localstorage.

I need to clear these inputs when the user is arriving to this screen from any page within the app except the mobiscroll screen,

I hope I explained it correctly


Now, I didn't read everything, but it seems to me that their should be an easier workaround to this.
Why don't you just create a local storage variable and set it to 1 when you navigate from mobiscroll, then set that value to 0 when leaving the screen with your text inputs (Maybe I am not following exactly what you are trying to do, if so just ignore this)

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clear textinput on screenload

Hi Kapow,
thx for your interest,
the original subject is resolved, you can read it in the post, solved with js kindly supplied from apperio support,

the current subject is different, I should have started another post

collaboration is the future!
kind regards

Maryna Brodina
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:27 am

clear textinput on screenload

Hi Michael! Looks like we have some solution, but have to test it first. Need more time... Sorry for delay with resolving this issue.

Posts: 0
Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:03 pm

clear textinput on screenload

Hi Marina,
any news on the tests?

Maryna Brodina
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:27 am

clear textinput on screenload

No luck, Michael. We thought we have solution, but test shows it doesn't work. I'm really sorry about delay. Have nothing to say besides - we're working on it...

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