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[Ionic-Angularjs] "the function constructor is a form of eval"


When i add custom js in mapping, jshint says "the function constructor is a form of eval".

Is this a problem? if so how can i avoid it?


Serhii Kulibaba
Posts: 150
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:47 pm

[Ionic-Angularjs] "the function constructor is a form of eval"


We need a little bit more information on this issue. Please tell us exactly what you have tried and what doesn't work. If you can include the exact steps and/or screen shots, that would help a lot.

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Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:06 am

[Ionic-Angularjs] "the function constructor is a form of eval"

Hello Sergiy,

I have a Rest Get service. When i am mapping the response to my model, i add custom js for converting the response value. It is working without problem but the jshint shows error:




Serhii Kulibaba
Posts: 150
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:47 pm

[Ionic-Angularjs] "the function constructor is a form of eval"

Please add closing curly brace there: Image

Posts: 0
Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:06 am

[Ionic-Angularjs] "the function constructor is a form of eval"

Hello Sergiy,

Sorry my screenshot is not full width, now this is the full one:



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Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:06 am

[Ionic-Angularjs] "the function constructor is a form of eval"

Hello Sergiy,

Do you have any idea why JSHint gives these errors?


Serhii Kulibaba
Posts: 150
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:47 pm

[Ionic-Angularjs] "the function constructor is a form of eval"

No, we don't. It is better don't use functions in the strings to get an error in them.
Unfortunately this is something outside the scope of standard Appery.io platform support. You may consider purchasing Advisory Pack to get more in-depth help on this question. Here is more information about Advisory Pack (http://appery.io/services/#Advisory_Pack).

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