Kevin Crow
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Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:26 pm

Vimeo widget slow to stream video

When using the vimeo widget, I can successfully use the basic api from vimeo to list a channel/user videos and assign the collection to a collapsable block. When testing everything works ok in a browser albeit it seems to take a while for the widget to actually start playing the video. I've exported the app to an apk and installed it on my phone but it seems to take "forever" to actually load the video and when it loads its not a smooth stream.
I created the same app using kimonolabs for an api and linked it directly to vimeo and I'm not experiencing the same issue. The only change is that the kimono api opens up the actual vimeo website and the widget just embeds. Is this a problem with the widget or a problem with the exporting? Any guidance or suggestions would be appreciated.

Illya Stepanov
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Vimeo widget slow to stream video

Hi Kevin -

When using the vimeo widget...
Could you please clarify do you mean that you're using Vimeo component here?

Kevin Crow
Posts: 0
Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:26 pm

Vimeo widget slow to stream video

Yes. the vimeo component. However after trying it out a few different ways.. they all seem to stream slow so i dont know if its a export problem or a vimeo on mobile phone problem. I am going to test out the youtube component and see it has the same behavior.

Kevin Crow
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Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:26 pm

Vimeo widget slow to stream video

Sorry it has taken a bit for me to update, I've been trying different things seeing if I can come up with a solution. It's kind of hit or miss. Sometimes it streams fine, sometimes it's laggy. I will attribute this to trying to pull in a 720p video over data or slow internet connection. However a whole new set of problems has arrived. I went ahead and tested youtube. I had to figure out how to use their api but I am able to get a response and all of the video info I need from a playlist. Problem is when I use the same method as with vimeo, mapping the response to a collapsible and the videoID to the youtube widget, nothing works.

I have read on the forum about prior youtube issues with the video id but I'm unsure if those have been fixed as they were posted a year ago. Image This is what my youtube page looks like.
Image This is what the vimeo page looks like. Both are setup the same way, of course using different api's but the method is exactly the same. If I just use the youtube widget by itself with no service loaded, the video works. Trying to map a response does not. It is shared with support and published @

Evgene Karachevtsev
Posts: 12
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Vimeo widget slow to stream video

Hello Kevin,

Could you please share print screen with your mapping?

Kevin Crow
Posts: 0
Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:26 pm

Vimeo widget slow to stream video

Vimeo Mapping

Youtube Mapping

I don't have the items mapped to the mobilecollapsblock_2 because I'm only testing 1 item currently.

Evgene Karachevtsev
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:12 pm

Vimeo widget slow to stream video


You forget to map codeitem/code to collapsible block like you did for vimeo

Kevin Crow
Posts: 0
Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:26 pm

Vimeo widget slow to stream video

When I map it to the block, I get nothing except a header.


Illya Stepanov
Posts: 0
Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:48 am

Vimeo widget slow to stream video

Hi Kevin -

Please show us mapping structure that you are using, when getting the result in above screenshot?

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